
How To: Install “Log.io” on Ubuntu 14.04




Ralph is a car enthusiast, blogger, author and teacher. In addition to being the founder of this website, Ralph is also a Linux Systems Administrator with 9 years+ experience who is also available for freelance or full-time work.


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How To: Install “Log.io” on Ubuntu 14.04

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This tutorial presents the steps to install and monitor local log files in real time from a browser using Log.io – For information on Log.io and how it works, see its home page: https://logio.org/

I am using an Ubuntu 14.04 VPS from AWS logged in as “ubuntu”.

Update package index:

sudo apt-get update

Install required libraries:

sudo apt-get install npm nodejs nodejs-legacy

Install log.io:

sudo npm install –g log.io –user “ubuntu”

Run Server:

log.io-server &

Run Harvester (Press Enter Key first):

log.io-harvester &

Navigate to server IP:28778

If you’re on AWS, remember to open the chosen port in your EC2’s security group.



Ralph is a car enthusiast, blogger, author and teacher. In addition to being the founder of this website, Ralph is also a Linux Systems Administrator with 9 years+ experience who is also available for freelance or full-time work.
